The hoax climate change is the greatest evil cheat of the domestic thugs conducting China’s Communist Party and other enemies to destroy the energy in democratic countries. The people easily recognize the climate change activists currently rallying to call their government to stop the coal mine, gas, and oil fields. Therefore, climate change activists rarely protest in China’s mainland and Russia (the vestige of the Soviet Union). The hoax climate change domestic thuggish movement considers coal, oil, gas, and fracking as the sources of the so-called earth disaster. The hoax climate change comes from the left parties and the Greens Parties in the democratic countries, the comrades of China’s Communist Party applying a similar tactic to help China carry out the global hegemonic ambition when the Western industry curbed, and China’s industry developed.
The essential target of the hoax climate change is the electric cars labeled as among the main enemies causing the disastrous earth. The left parties and the media for hire, the reporters for rent, and the journalists for sale launched the intimidation’s psychological warfare by the untrue warning about the pollution is endangered, the petrol vehicles are the culprits, although the people need it, and the fossil energy is the key to develop the industry, economy, employment and other human facilities
The hoax climate change activists, politicians, and supporters imaged the disaster created by the cars, they calculated the quantity of dioxide released by every car and raised the fake alert that the earth will be hotter, the ice melting in the two poles, and the natural disaster. The hoax climate change’s psychological warfare launched to intimidate the people when droughts, floods, bushfires, tsunamis, volcanoes, tornados, and storms. Indeed, the hoax climate change didn’t know the causes, because most hoax climate change activists are not scientists. The students do not have enough scientific level and knowledge to understand while 31,000 scientists confirmed that climate change is a hoax. Its reason explains the all predictions of the Pope of the hoax climate change, former Vice President Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize Award, indeed the Nobel Hoax Climate Change Prize (the hoax climate change creates untold civil war worldwide with the fight occurs between the hoax climate change activists and the concerned people). The Nobel Peace Prize Committee humiliated the most valuable Prize on the planet when they awarded the global war maker Hussein Barrack Obama in 2009, and the hoax climate change activist Al Gore in 2007. The United Nations distorted the refugees by using the title of climate refugees to support the illegal migrants, and the Nobel Peace Prize has the untold climate change Prize yet, but they awarded Al Gore. In Australia, in 2005, Dogtor Tim Flannery predicted the Eastern states would face a drought for the next 10 years. The wrong prediction of Tim Flannery cost tens of billions of Australian Dollars to build the desalted water plants. Instead, annually, Australia’s Eastern states flooded. The people have enough evidence to debunk the deceitful climate change. Where is Dogtor Tim Flannery’s hide? The icon of left media disappeared a long time ago, therefore, his lies remain.
Commonly, a housewife, or whoever can not buy a product which they don’t know the label, company, and ingredients. In the election, the people can not support a candidate if they don’t know the policy. Therefore, the innocent people who support the hoax climate change don’t know the causes, but they support it. Likely in the Vietnam War, innocent Western people supported the Vietcong, the super terror gang in Vietnam.
The hoax climate change is the greatest cheat in human history. The 42nd President Bill Clinton paid the boons for China illegally providing finance in the presidential election in 1992 and 1996. China freely releases the dioxide while the Western countries curbed by the left parties such as the Australian Labor Party (the AUSTRALIAN LENINIST PARTY), the US Democratic Party, the Socialist Party in France, the Greens Party (the GARBAGE PARTY) and others. The hoax climate change activists and their supporters plan to replace fossil energy with solar power, and windmills. Unfortunately, the so-called clean energy can not respond to the situation and wastes the taxpayers because green energy can not cover the household, industry, transport, and other facilities. The hoax climate change activists hurriedly confirmed that cars using petrol are the main cause of climate change and that electric cars are their best solution to save the earth as their psychological warfare. Therefore, the cattle released at least 18% dioxide, and the bushfires contributed more dioxide. Why didn’t the hoax climate change activists claim the cattle and the bushfires?
China’s Communist Party boosted the interests, and profit when the factories used fossil energy to make solar power, and electric cars to sell around the world, the Western markets are the main places. Some national leaders of the left parties promised that half of petrol cars will be replaced by electric cars in 2030 while their term is limited to a few years. Electric cars cost more than petrol cars, the recharge takes more time, and the energy made by solar power plus the windmills can not respond to the massive recharges, so the batteries are expensive. The trucks can not run the long distance, and the recharge is inconvenient. Nevertheless, the towing companies can not use the trucks when their customers are too far away.
Winter is a horrible problem, therefore, the left parties and the global media are concealed. The people living in the United States, Europe, and somewhere else often suffer severe winters when the temperature drops to minus Celsius degrees, and the snow covers the roads and the scenes. The electric cars are stuck on the road, the batteries flattened, and the heating system can not be used while the petrol cars can run the engine. The drivers shouldn’t deal with the worst situation, no one can help including the emergency services using electric cars. The long-distance is the big trouble of the electric cars, the transport needs the petrol cars more than the electric cars. The drivers in West often travel long distances, so electric cars can not respond to the situation—the climate change summits conferred with national leaders, and wealthy people plus the high profiles. The promises are to be raised by the mouthpiece commitment, and the summits continue to waste the time and taxpayers, actually the national leaders and the high profiles released more dioxide by their luxury jets/.
