The Global Deep State rushes the new world order after the cabals appeared the faces from the shadow. It is the death vulnerability of the Global Deep State after 150 years established in the contacts and sowed the undercover activists into the Congress, Senate, the White House, the CIA, the FBI, the bipartisan politicians (Democrats and Republicans with RINOs), the multiple level courts and the Supreme Court, but the patriotic President Donald Trump eradicated within 4 years of the first term, actually, the panic of Global Deep State exposed in the US rigged election in 2020 because they knew the White House’s swamp is underway to drain out. Therefore, the potential damages of the Global Deep State are inevitable when the people in America, and the world knew who are the henchmen, cabals of the Global Deep State, and China’s Communist Party. On the other hand, the Global Deep State reflects the proverb of Vietnamese people” collecting wood in three years, but burnt down in an hour”.
The panic of Global Deep State conducts the trifling rigged election to rob the White House by six Justices in the Supreme Court and the Senate Speaker Mike Pence to rob the ballots of hundred million people. Therefore, without the RINOs, the political parasite Joe Biden couldn’t rob the White House. There were only seven robbers with a wooden hammer to destroy the Republic of America and create a disaster in the US, the world is complicated, the peace is uncertain. The Global Deep State was exhausted in the rigged election of 2020, so they must rush the new world order with the pandemic and the wars. The physic reaction of the Global Deep State as all kinds of animals struck the strong stuff of pesticide, so the henchmen of the Global State desperately carried out the rigged election. The patriotic President Donald Trump sprayed the strong stuff of political pesticide to kill the political life of the cabals including the RINOs.
The global hegemonic ambition of China’s Communist Party matches the strategy of the Global Deep State, actually, the trade war really feared China facing the collapse, so Xi Jinping launched the biological weapon to save the economic disaster. Certainly, the Coronavirus pandemic becomes a similar tactic of the Global Deep State as a stone kills many birds. Certainly, China’s Communist Party fell into the term” the boomerang hit backs the thrower” or” the sword made in China to stab Chinese”. The China virus pandemic created potential damages for China’s economy, the world condemns and reacts against China as the culprit, and seeking compensation estimated at $US 100 trillion. Whatever, the world knew China’s Communist Party is the culprit of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite henchman Joe Biden having tried to conceal the crime against humanity of China. Therefore, the Global Deep State makes a huge profit from China’s virus pandemic. The vaccines have rolled out and also imposing the vaccine mandatory or the vaccine terror to shatter the human society. Once again, the vaccine mandatory debunked the vaccine dictators like Joe Biden in America, French president Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau, Premier Mark McGowan in Western Australia, and others. The cabals have exploited the pandemic and vaccine pandemic to delete the population and help the Global Deep State carry out the new world order.
The Global Deep State has stood behind the biological war, in 2013, the deep involvement of American scientists such as Dogtor Anthony Fauci, billionaire Bill Gates and the 44th president Barrack Obama who used the taxpayers to fund for the Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory in Wuhan targeting to destroy America and the world, three evil amigos visited Wuhan in 2013, and before the pandemic, billionaire Bill Gates invested hundreds of million US dollars into the vaccine brands like AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and others.
The Global Deep State also has invested in the military war to stir up the world as the Pavlov method that communists applied after robbing the governments in Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and others. The peace’s achievement of President Donald Trump conflicted the interest and strategy of the Global Deep State, so they must rob the outcome of the election in 2020, despite President Donald Trump absolutely won with 2,497 counties or 84% while the treasonous specialist Joe Biden just won 477 counties or 16%.
Under the rule of the first Muslim, communist, and black President Obama, the terror war was promoted when Barrack Obama exploited the commander in chief to help the Islamic State founded, and Obama also provided the money and training to the well-known terror organization in the world. After the presidential robber, Joe Biden illegal inaugurated the White House on January 20, 2021, the henchman of China’s Communist Party and the prominent activist of the Global Deep State is Joe Biden who stole the presidency, and the commander in chief to create the war, actually, the loss of Afghanistan revived the Al Qaeda and the other terror organizations. Recently, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden activates the war in Ukraine, and create the tension in Europe that reflects the tactics of the Global Deep State, and also applying the stratagem of Sun Tzu” make a sound in the east, then strike in the west” to stray the fallen policies in America, the loss of Afghanistan, the border crisis and China threatens the neighbor countries, actually the tension in Taiwan Strait.
The Global Deep State also highlights the vaccine pandemic with the strong support, and collaboration of the vaccine dictators are the presidents, prime ministers, premiers, governors, and mayors to terrorize the people with the trial and risky vaccines. Therefore the deceitful vaccine broke after the vaccinated people recognized the vaccine fraud cheating the people to jab one dose with the promise to curb the pandemic, the personal, and community safety. Therefore the first dose reached up to 95% but the pandemic plus the variants like Delta, Omicron didn’t immunize, and the second dose for nothing, now the third dose is called, and the fourth dose is underway to jab. The vaccinated people know the deceitful vaccine, so the third dose doesn’t interest, they don’t know how many shots need to stop the pandemic, actually, after the viral variant appeared, the vaccines are useless, so the vaccinated people couldn’t avoid the infection, so the infection (positive test) skyrockets, actually the vaccinated people infected, and died, but the whore media, and the whore big tech companies concealed. So the people have no trust the vaccines. Nevertheless, the vaccinated people don’t know which brand of vaccine is effective because the vaccine dictators decide the brands, not medical doctors, and the fear rises when the vaccinated people’s body has been suffered the multiple vaccines like AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna, Novovaxx and others. The vaccinated people are the victims of the deceitful vaccine, and their lives are endangered. During the Omicron outbreak, and the third plus fourth dose calling, the new variant BA.2 has appeared in Denmark, so all the vaccines were nullified. The vaccination traces behind the pandemic and variants while the cabals in governments don’t want to stop the pandemic with the effective medicines, instead of the lockdown, mask mandatory and the vaccine mandatory. It is simple to curb the pandemic when whoever tested positive, the treatments with effective medicines including the antibiotics are available. The negative people have the freedom to go anywhere and access social facilities. The passive responses with the darn solutions are lockdown, mask mandatory, and vaccine mandatory kill the freedom, businesses, the economy, and the people. Therefore, the vaccine dictators don’t want to curb the pandemic, instead, they want to perpetuate the pandemic as long as good to respond to the multiple tactics of the Global Deep State, and China’s Communist Party.
The Global Deep State has launched the full-scale attack the human society with the viral war, vaccine war, and the military wars to carry out the new world order, then the last stage in the Totalitarian World Government. The people who live on the planet have been threatened by biological war and military wars. The culprits are China’s Communist Party, the Global Deep State, and the cabals ruling the current governments. The cabals of the Global Deep State appeared the faces in the vaccine mandatory/.