The principle of cause and effects of Buddhism warns the people to stay away from the sins, and the proverb” there is smoke, there is the fire” tells the cause conducts the consequence or outcome. Nowadays, the global disasters, plus the China virus pandemic and vaccine pandemic originated from the superpower on the planet, the domestic thugs in America destroy its country and the world. Despite the United States just established in 1776, therefore the wealthy, and young nation becomes the world’s democratic symbol with the strongest army, abundant talent, the high technology. Moreover, America has led the global economy, and the financial system with the major stock exchange center in Wall Street, actually, the US dollar becomes the world’s common currency. On the other hand, America is like the locomotive to lead the global train. Unfortunately, the locomotive is robbed by the Blue Donkey gang with the bloody old mad, imbecile robbery leader Joe Biden, the global train is plunging into the abyss, the fate of 7 billion people including 330 million American people endangered after the United States suddenly is collapsed by the presidential robbery occurred on January 20, 2021. Indeed, political cancer has started from January 20, 2009, to January 20, 2016, after the American people wrongly elected the mongrel communist Barrack Obama, the first Muslim, communist, and black US president to rule the White House in 8 years. Political cancer aggravates after another mongrel communist Joe Biden robbed the White House, America, and the world being periled. In the SATAN’s era of mongrel communist Barrack Obama, the Islamic State was founded, and in 2013, President Barrack Obama flagged China’s communist regime illegally built, militarized the artificial islands in Indochina Pacific taking the function as the piratical stations to lock, and control the most important maritime transport entering Asia with the annual goods estimates $US 5 trillion. The disasters have occurred from the domestic thug, hidden terror leader Barrack Obama, and now Joe Biden with the massive jobless, economy down, the social complicated, the livelihood is uncertain, and overseas, the tragedy in Afghanistan, China currently threatens to invade Taiwan, plus the tension in the Indochina Pacific, so the war is on the brink. Therefore, the biological war has occurred in December 2019 after China’s Communist Party launched the undeclared Third World War with trillions of trillions of viral troops trained in viral academy Wuhan with the supreme commander in viruses Xi Jinping. The biological weapon is created by the cluster of culprits are the American scientists like Dogtor Anthony Fauci, the hypocritical philanthropist Bill Gates, the 44th president Barrack Obama, and others.
However, the deep original causes came from six Justices in the Supreme Court with major RINOs as Chief Justice John Roberts, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and Senate Speaker Mike Pence. Without the RINO’s decision, the political parasite, corrupt professional, and treasonous specialist Joe Biden couldn’t rob the White House. There are only seven persons to create the world’s disaster, actually the China virus pandemic. There are only seven persons who hold the top positions in the locomotive of the US train to decide the train’s robbery conducts seven billion people on the planet endangered. Nevertheless, seven persons are the lawyers, they planned the train’s robbery with the wooden hammer. So the world and American people recognized the cluster of culprits to create the global disaster.
If the RINOs didn’t decide the loser, Joe Biden, to win the election in 2020 with the trifling constitutional practices, and the bush law. The patriotic President Donald Trump continued the second term, certainly, America and the world avoided the horrible disasters from the domestic to overseas
-The domestic issues: the US economy strengthens, instead, China loses the trade war. Actually, the China virus pandemic curbed when the Unites States beats China in the economy, and thrash the financial system of the largest communist country on the planet, so China couldn’t develop the biological weapon. The domestic thugs related and contributed to creating Coronaviruses like Dogtor Anthony Fauci, Barrack Obama, Bill Gates and a cluster of the domestic culprits to be arrested, so the variants shouldn’t occur, the world and America beat the China virus, and the vaccine pandemic shouldn’t occur, the global economy restore.
-The overseas issues: China couldn’t intimidate the region, and threaten to invade Taiwan, the world is stable, Afghanistan didn’t lose, and the terror nullified.
The world and America were periled by only seven persons in the Supreme Court and Senate. The world was harmed by only seven persons, actually, 330 million American people are the prime victims of the national tragedy, and seven persons are the national traitors and the global enemies. Actually, China virus and vaccine pandemic couldn’t happen when the patriotic President Donald Trump continues to develop the SANTA’s era to make America great again, the allies trust, the enemies fear, the domestic thugs arrested, and the China virus pandemic must stop. Unfortunately, seven persons decided the White House’s robbery to help the mongrel communist Joe Biden and the Blue Donkey gang imposing the hell of communist paradise in America, and making more threats with the viral variants like Delta, Lambda, MU, and now Omicron.
Once again, the world is panicked by the variants, including the new viral Omicron. Therefore, the viral propaganda can not cheat the public when the Omicron less serves infection at least 73.2% than Delta as the Centres for Diseases Control and Prevention confirmed, but the infectious cases skyrocket in America, Europe, Australia, and somewhere else. Moreover, the World Health Organization is led by Dogtor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyes who raises the extreme alert about Omicron. The people distrust the W.H.O become the WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION after misleading the pandemic information, and the director-general is the hardcore communist, it is the first time the W.H.O elected the chief without a medical doctoral degree. The obsolete viral propaganda failed, actually, the viral variants reflect the viral election will be held in 2022 in the US, and Australia will call the federal election in May 2022. The left stream media, and the big tech communication companies have applied the propaganda’s tactic in the era of President Donald Trump. They propagated the death toll rises by Coronavirus, indeed, the distorted medical officials added the deaths caused by other illnesses to panic the public, and also support the rigged election in 2020. Do not trust the media, all are the media for hire, let’s find the truth from the media social.
However, the China virus pandemic and vaccine pandemic become the business pandemic with the DOLLAR VARIANT is the master of Delta, MU, Lambda, and Omicron. The viral variants should be designed by the love profit scientists, and the big pharmaceutical companies, and the deep collaboration of the vaccine dictators who exploited the government authority to order a lot of vaccines, so they need to liquidate the vaccines as soon as possible before the pill, tablet, and nasal sprays replace the vaccines. So the governments rush to vaccinate as the nearly expired products must offer, or other business methods, it explains the vaccine mandatory pushes despite the people oppose, and protest around the world.
Whatever the vaccinated and unvaccinated people couldn’t immunize the Coronavirus, and the variants, so the risky vaccines are useless, and waste the taxpayers, but the vaccine dictators ignore, they also snub the public, breach the medical freedom, the law, and human rights. Nevertheless, the vaccinated people become the vaccine victims after falling into the vaccine trap with the promise of the shot, two shots, three shots, and more shots but the pandemic doesn’t curb while the big pharmaceutical companies make a huge profit. The vaccinated people addict the vaccine, they must jab for every few months.
The incident of the useless, and risky vaccine has occurred in the US Navy when the combat ship USS Milwaukee delayed the mission because all sailors contracted Coronavirus. The ship with more than 100 crew members received the full vaccination, why? Certainly, the presidential robber Joe Biden, Dogtor Anthony Fauci, and the medical officials plus the health authorities can not explain, including the vaccine dictators in Australia like Western Premier Mark McGowan, Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, and others can not prove the vaccines safe and stop the viruses. Certainly, the Coronavirus, Delta, MU, Lambda, and Omicron can not fly into the air. The contact rules out, but the people fear the viruses have ambushed into the vaccines that cause the infection. Possibly, the vaccines should sow the Coronavirus undercover activists into the vaccinated body, so all crew members of the USS Milwaukee tested positive.
Nowadays, the world disaster, the pandemic, the vaccine pandemic, and the peace are on the brink of collapse that comes from the only seven persons in the Supreme Court, and Senate Speaker Mike Pence. There are only seven persons to destroy seven billion people living on the planet with the global thug Joe Biden and the Blue Donkey gang/.