Communism was designed by a professional homeless man who lived in the 19th century, Karl Marx who poured anger into society. The main target was the wealthy people, the so-called class struggle of Karl Marx sophisticated the model of robbery with the label of revolution and the fight for no compromise between the poor and wealthy people was condemned by the title of counter-revolutionists. Despite his close friend, Friedrich Engels, the wealthy man who covered the accommodation, and all costs of living for Karl Marx, and his family members to the end of his life. The unthankful concern, and betrayal characteristics of the first human being downgraded to the ape without the tail turning the revenge.
Nevertheless, the atheist Karl Marx has never known God, but he hated God with the religions praising God, Karl Marx said” The religion is the opium of the people“. On the other hand, Karl Marx declared war against the people, God, and society. He wrote the three robbery books called The Dialectical Materialism, The Capitalism, and The Historical Materialism. In 1848, Karl Marx released the first Communist Manifesto in London which marked the global disaster perpetuating throughout the 20th century to the 21st century. Marxism is the most global disaster in human history with a hundred million people killed, and a billion people enslaved. Marxism is the most dangerous pandemic to infect the human mind, then viral Marxism controls all actions. Its reason explains that communists and mongrel communists are heartless, cruel, and malicious. Socialism originated from communism and was renamed Maoist in China, and Globalization in Western countries. Likely the tiger snake, Cobra, and Taipan are venomous reptiles. According to the records, the communists and mongrel communists have viral characteristics.
Commonly, communism, socialism, Maoism, and Globalization are the robberies carrying out multiple tactics with different labels. Normally, the robbers can sophisticate the dishonesty by shifting to personal and family situations when they are arrested and appear in court. Therefore, the communists have the theory of Karl Marx to protect the professional robbery as the Muslim terrorists exploited Allah to kill the people. Certainly, the robbery is not an economic method because the communist economists forced the people to give up their properties, and assets called surrendering the proletarian class. The communists did nothing but afford anything, and the professional robbers have never repented. Instead, the apes of Karl Marx pride the genocide and enjoy the assets that came from the robbery, the communists are worse than the dog.
The economic methods of communists are based on the robbery, terror, and exploitation of the people’s sweat. Initially, the bloodshed campaigns terrorized the people, and the communists became the owners of all assets, and the people became slaves. The economy was based on socialism, and communism failed in Soviet-Union, and the Eastern Europe Communist Bloc. Despite this, the communists in Europe were considered high technology. Therefore, the products made in the hell of a communist paradise couldn’t compare the quality with the counter-revolutionary countries such as the United States and others. Its reason caused the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe Communist Bloc in the early 1990s. In Asia, China’s Communist Party failed the economy based on Maoism with the bloodshed campaigns. After the death of Mao Tse Tung, China stole the economic pattern of capitalism that is called” the free market is led by socialism”. China’s Communist Party is shameless, they have never confessed to the disastrous Maoists.
The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe Communist Bloc, and China’s Communist Party threw out obsolete economic methods based on communism and socialism. Therefore, the mongrel communist parties in the democratic countries brought the rotten carcass of socialism in their countries. The dire consequences are immeasurable, the people rejected the backward economy when the left parties reflected the dishonest characteristics with the traditional robbery attempting multiple methods. The left parties lacked patriotism, instead, the individual interests won over the national interests. In the United States, people are concerned very hard to find a patriotic politician in the Democratic Party. Prominent communists such as Hussein Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton and now Joe Biden appeared on the faces of corruption, treason, and the professional taxpayer worm.
Communism and socialism failed to create the communist paradise that turned to hell in Russia, Eastern Europe communist states, China, Vietnam, North Korea, and others because the economy of communism was based on robbery. Therefore, the mongrel communist party in the United States brought the rotten carcass of socialism to the world’s wealthiest country. The obsolete economic pattern targets to impoverish the people, and enrich the assets of the Democratic politicians who robbed the national interest plus the corruption. Almost all Democratic politicians such as Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Newsom Gavin, Joe Biden, Hussein Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, and others are millionaires. The communists and mongrel communists learned well the robbery bible of Karl Marx, and they were animalized to the apes. The Democratic states such as New York, California, and Pennsylvania were abandoned by the people, they moved to the freedom states such as Texas, and Florida which proved that socialism couldn’t apply in the United States/.