There is just a year after the 46th illegal president Joe Biden robbed the White House on January 20, 2021. Therefore, the political parasite, the mongrel communist, corrupt professional, and treason specialist Joe Biden totally failed to do a job of the presidential robber as the Global Deep State, the Democratic Communist Party mandated, and believed Joe Biden, he can not improve, and deceive the slogan called” build back better”, instead, it turns” build trash ever” in the US history. From the United States established in 1776, the presidential robber Joe Biden reflects the animal covered the human body with the viral character, and it is the first time, the White House has no president, instead, the robber Joe Biden to storm the most powerful place in the United States, and also steals the commander in chief.
The bullshit motto of Joe Biden reflects the rubbish tips, the shit with the bacteria, viruses, and the worm. Therefore, the political worm Joe Biden favors eating the money of the taxpayers and receiving the privileges of foreigners like China. The bullshit slogan of the political parasite Joe Biden called” build back better” conflicts with the dire consequences did by Joe Biden after the White House’s robbery on January 20, 2021, it builds trash worsens, and wipes out the strongest economy, the army, and democracy on the planet. The presidential robber Joe Biden reflects the terror leader to storm the White House with six Justices of shit in the Supreme Shit and the Senate Shit Speaker Mike Pence to legalize and certify the presidential robbery. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden builds trash from the domestic issues and foreign solutions:
1-In America:
-Joe Biden destroys the border that creates an opportunity for illegal migrants, the felons, the drug syndicates, the terrorists, the espionage agents, and other dishonest components to freely enter America with the taxpayers.
-The inflation builds with the record worsens for 40 years that worsens the living conditions of 330 million American people. On the other hand, traitor Joe Biden is the economic destroyer, the enemy of people
-Build the mountain debt ever in the history
-The Black Guard with the terror organizations are the Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to kill, rob, loot, and terrorize the society
2-The foreign issues failed, actually, the loss of Afghanistan to destroy the trust of allies, and Joe Biden flags China’s Communist Party creating the tension in Taiwan Straits. Recently, the crisis in Ukraine highlights the war in Europe.
The presidential robber Joe Biden creates the fake panic while the NATO and Ukraine watching out the drill of Russian army while Joe Biden exaggerates the invasion of Russia, and calling the American people to leave the dangerous region, and the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison chimes the fake tension of Joe Biden reflects the stratagem of Sun Tzu” make a sound in the east, then strike in the west”. Actually, the fake crisis in Ukraine strays the failures of the presidential robber Joe Biden like President Bill Clinton activated the crisis in Kosovo in 1998 to cover the sex scandal of Monica Lewinsky and the super espionage agent John Huang infiltrated the White House many years. Therefore, the trifling activity of Joe Biden into the fake tension in Ukraine is a farce.
Nevertheless, Russian Vladimir Putin knows Ukraine should acquire a nuclear weapon, and the Ukrainian people vow the fight against the invasion with more than 13,000,000 militias, they armed and waiting for the Russian army coming. Moreover, if Putin wants to invade Ukraine, he doesn’t tell the time to attack because the Ukrainian army is ready to fight, therefore, the illegal cabinet of Joe Biden appalls the people in Ukraine and allies that are like fake news, or the obsolete psychological warfare. The killing’s leader of the Islamic State, the vaccine mandatory (stopped by the Supreme Court) to stray the people’s outrage when the mid-term congressional election will be held in November 2022. Possibly, even the polls of left media gave the big losses of Democrats in Congress and Senate. Actually, the presidential election in 2024 becomes the deadlock and the obsession of the Democratic Communist Party. Certainly, the mongrel communist Joe Biden causes the big problems, while the commander in bed Kamala Harris will not overturn the worst when the approval rate touches the bottom. Nevertheless, the dead political cards are Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama will not woo the ballots, including the Democratic fans.
The new political game of Democrats should use the RINOs to deceive the people with former Vice President Mike Pence who should be the brilliant candidate, and Lisa Cheney should be the vice-presidential candidate in the presidential election in 2024. It means the Republican Party splits with RINO’s presidential candidate Mike Pence and Lisa Cheney, they have enough of the money provided by the Global Deep State and Democratic Party to run the expensive campaign. Possibly, the true Republican Party with President Donald Trump should contest the RINO candidates and the Democratic candidates with the unpopular politicians like Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Newsom Gavin, and others. Whatever, the Democratic Communist Party should create two groups of presidential candidates while the Republican Party just has one of the patriotic President Donald Trump or someone. The ballots of Republican supporters and the undecided voters will weaken the true Republican candidates in the presidential election in 2024.
The tricky game of Democrats can attract the Republican’s supporters, the innocent people, the undecided voters, and the RINOs, actually, Democrats and the Global Deep State stand behind. The presidential candidate Mike Pence, and Vice president Lisa Cheney reflect the thuggish government, and the puppets are not different from the presidential robber Joe Biden. The American people watch out for the sly conspiracy of Democrats in the next presidential election in 2024. Recently, the coward traitor Mike Pence attacks President Donald Trump, it should be the preparation of Democrats and the Global Deep State, plus China’s Communist Party to deploy the sly political conspiracy because they knew Joe Biden, and the Blue Donkey gang are facing the potential losses in the presidential election in 2024/.