China virus pandemic conducts the vaccine pandemic, both culprits of deadly pandemics commit the genocide or the crimes against the humanity by creating the death toll, injures, and economic damages, the people panic, including the kids have been harmed by the virus, and vaccine pandemic. Actually, the vaccine pandemic is caused by the governments which the culprits are the presidents, prime ministers, governors, premiers, mayors, and the irresponsible CEOs of the private sector have applied the passive responses and the darn solutions labeled to fight against the pandemic to impose the vaccine mandatory. Indeed, the war to fight against the China virus pandemic becomes the war to fight against the people. Despite the risky vaccines causing the deaths, and injures by the deadly side effects, and the people protests, but the vaccine dictators ignore and continue to terrorize the people by the vaccine mandatory. In Australia, the Australian Human Rights Commission” Vaccine Mandates: an unjustified assault on our human rights and freedoms Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission conversation on human rights

November 2019”. The law in Australia, Europe, and America are the same practices, all respect human rights, democracy, actually medical freedom. According to Wikipedia defines the crime”  Bodily harm is a legal term of art used in the definition of both statutory and common law offenses in Australia, Canada, England and Wales, and other common law jurisdictions. It is a synonym for injury or bodily injury and similar expressions, though it may be used with a precise and limited meaning in any given jurisdiction. The expression grievous bodily harm first appeared in a statute in Lord Ellenborough’s Act.” When a person uses weapons (knife, including a needle) to stab someone, the culprit faces a criminal charge. Certainly, the vaccine dictators have exploited the government’s authority, and label of China virus pandemic to jab the people with the needle, the vaccine dictators commit the crime of bodily harm. In medical terms, even doctors can not force a patient to treat, but the vaccine dictators are not the medical doctors, but they force people to jab the risky vaccines. The vaccine pandemic has terrorized the people’s livelihood, jobs, plus social facilities, breaches medical freedom, the law, and violates human rights. The vaccine pandemic is like the China virus pandemic conducts the immeasurable consequences

1-The characters of vaccine pandemic:

-The vaccines are unsafe, and trial. The early releases the risky vaccines conflict with the medical codes of practice. Commonly, every vaccine must take at least a decade to test on the rats, not the human body. The vaccine mandatory commits the crime of bodily harm.

-The vaccines have created deadly side effects, the blood clots, and heart attack, heart diseases, and other effects that fear the people, so they reject the vaccination despite the governments have used the bonuses, the vaccine propaganda carried out by the left stream, and media for hire, including the vaccine mandatory.

-The vaccines are businesses to make a profit for the big pharmaceutical companies.

2-The immeasurable consequences of the vaccine trap of vaccine dictators

-The useless, risky vaccines, and the passive responses, and the darn solutions with the lockdown, mask mandatory, and the vaccine mandatory or vaccine terror have not curbed the pandemic, instead the taxpayers wasted, the social mayhem. Some aggressive vaccine dictators like the presidential robber Joe Biden in America, in Australia with the Labor premiers like Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, actually, Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan proved the incompetent leader who has no solutions to fight against the pandemic, instead, Mark McGowan acts like the lord of the needle in medieval. He terrorizes the livelihood, jobs, and social facilities. The arrogant Premier Mark McGowan exposes the heartlessness of the discrimination policy against the unvaccinated people, with 15% in the state, they ban to visit the family members in hospitals, and nursing homes, if they have no vaccine passport. Certainly, the aggressive vaccine dictator Mark McGowan ignore the law, medical freedom, and human rights.

-The vaccinated, and unvaccinated people recognized the vaccine trap has been deployed by the governments with the vaccine dictators, and the vaccine corruption doesn’t rule out the corruption. The deceitful vaccine couldn’t conceal the public, initially, the governments encouraged one shot, and after the second shot, now the third shot, and further will apply the four, or more shots. Actually, the vaccinated people have no immunity, even, they easily infect the COVID-19, and the viral variants like Delta, Lambda, and Omicron. The vaccine dictators cheated billion people to jab, and the people continue to jab while the China virus pandemic couldn’t stop, even the variants outbreak

-The vaccine trap will deploy further as the flu vaccine, initially, the workers, old people, travelers take the flu vaccine. The senior citizens and pensioners are free, and the Medicare Levy covers the taxpayers, therefore, the workers must pay for the annual vaccine. People have been addicted to the flu vaccine, so they have to jab every year, if not, the flu doesn’t immunize. The COVID-19 is the same method, but the vaccine dictators trap everyone, including the children, initially, the vaccines are free, including the test kits. Therefore, after the shots, the vaccinated people fell into the vaccine trap, so they must jab for every a few months, if not, their immune system can not resist the viruses. After the vaccinated people are addicted to the vaccines, they must jab for every few months, and the pensioners, low-income people are free, but the workers should pay for the vaccines. In Australia, the government provides free test kits for pensioners, and low-income earners, therefore, the test kits are available in the markets. On the other hand, the vaccine dictators, and the pharmaceutical companies have deployed the vaccine trap worldwide, it is the merciless business by using the pandemic, and vaccine pandemic to make a profit from the seven billion lives of people on the planet.

-The darn and passive solutions of the vaccine dictators couldn’t curb the China virus pandemic and the variants. The lockdown, mask mandatory, actually the vaccine mandatory harms the economy, businesses, and the employment when the vaccine dictators ban to access public places like the pubs, restaurants, sports, entertainments (concerts, and the shows). In Western Australia, the government of the Labor party is led by the aggressive vaccine dictator Mark McGowan orders the mask mandatory into the venues. It is the disgraced fun, and stupidity when the people wear the masks to access the restaurants, and pubs, but when they eat and drink, the masks take off, so the viruses can visit them.

The term” NO JAB, NO ENTER” means” NO ENTER, NO PROFIT” that warns the low concerned CEOs wrongly apply the unconstitutional vaccine mandatory, if the victims file the lawsuits, the CEOs and the vaccine dictators can not sophisticate the crimes. The vaccinated people fear the viruses because the vaccines are useless without immunity, and the unvaccinated people ban to access the premises. Certainly, the governments have no authority to force the private companies, businesses force the workers to jab. If the workers died or are injured by the vaccine’s side effects, the CEOs must take full responsibility for compensation, and the criminal charges while the vaccine dictators pay nothing, so the CEOs must rethink carefully to force the employees’ jab.

The vaccine pandemic is a domestic pandemic to create immeasurable consequences, the lives of people have been used for the vaccine businesses, and political purposes plus the corruption. Therefore, the big pharmaceutical companies make a huge profit by the vaccines, and the vaccine dictators have exploited the government power to impose the vaccine mandatory that help the big pharmaceutical companies to make the money on the lives of people/.
