The rigged election in 2020 conducted by the White House robbery on January 20, 2021, showed the bankruptcy of the US justice when the six Justices enclosing the four RINO Justices in the Supreme Court flagged the greatest judicial cheat in US history. The six Justices rejected their careers by dismissing the lawsuits of Texas and 17 states to file lawsuits against the rigged election in the swing states. What did the six Justices do in the Supreme Court? The US presidential election is related to the constitution and the justices’ careers. In the US election in 2000, the Supreme Court disqualified the rigged election in Florida, and candidate George W. Bush won. The presidential election in 2020 was rigged and appeared in all swing states with blatant evidence. Therefore, the six Justices denied their careers as a Chinese restaurant advertises the main dish is the Roast Peking Duck. However, when a customer orders it, the restaurant says” We have not sold it”. The six public servants in the Supreme Court snubbed 18 states, and almost the politicians elected by the people.
Moreover, the cluster of the White House robbery involved traitor William Barr who didn’t investigate the laptop of Hunter Biden, although the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Attorney General held it in 2018. The last White House robbery’s stage was carried out by traitor Mike Pence who certified the 306 fraudulent electoral colleges of Sleepy Joe Biden. Certainly, the White House robbery is trifling, the American people and the world knew Donald Trump won the unprecedented landslide history in the election in 2020. The public reaction was exposed with the banner” TRUMP WON”, and the chant” Let’s go Brandon” debunked the 46th illegal president Joe Biden who is not the US president, but instead, the presidential robber.

The criminals fear the police, evil and Satan fear God, and the White House robbers plus the chain of culprits currently fear, and obsess over the truth and justice including the victim is the patriotic President Donald Trump. Nevertheless, the United States applies multiple political parties. Where is the United States, not China, so the government, the Congress, the Senate, the states, and the law can change which is the vulnerability of the semi-dictatorial-Marxism-Leninist-Maoist party in America. The label of the Democratic Party is like a beautiful cloth covering the bin. In the presidential election in 2016, the American people woke up after the long nightmare perpetuated since the slaved Constitution of 1871. The rigged election in 2020 aroused innocent Americans including the concerned fans of Democrats. The hidden communist regime of Joe Biden can not remain forever, the presidential election in 2024 marks the doomsday of the mongrel communist party is set on January 20, 2025. The patriotic President Donald Trump won hundreds of millions of American’s hearts, and Republican Party endorsed it. The 2024 presidential election can change the fate of the country and the world. Therefore, the Democratic Party, the Global Deep States, the foreign enemies, and the RINOs fear, and obsess. The people’s trust is the key to changing the White House, the Congress, the Senate, and other issues.

The rigged election in 2020 is like a sword hanging above the head of Democrats. The lawmakers authorized to review and overhaul the greatest robbery in US history when the Republicans controlled the Congress, and the Senate, and Donald Trump returned the White House, the lawmakers can introduce the bill to take action against the rigged election. Possibly, the bill easily passes the Congress, and the Senate, and the US president Donald Trump signs the orders, the consequences fear, and obsess Democrats, the cluster of culprits including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and his illegal cabinet. Democrats can not sophisticate the rigged election in 2020 which is based on the outcome of the Federal Elections Commission. The outcome showed Donald Trump won 2,497 counties, or 84% while Joe Biden had 477 counties, or 16%.
Moreover the ballots of Donald Trump in 2020 were more 10,000,000 than in the presidential election in 2016. There was no reason to lose the election, therefore, the six Justices and Mike Pence legalized the greatest robbery in US history. Moreover, the mountain of evidence, and a thousand witnesses add more crimes of the traitors. The Democrats, the left media, big tech as Facebook, and RINOs plus the accomplices can not escape the treasonous crimes.

-Initially, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and others should be arrested, they committed the White House robbery

-The Congress and Senate can impeach the six Justices in the Supreme Court, and indict them as the prime culprits of the rigged election

-The cluster of culprits such as William Barr, Christopher Wray, and others will face criminal charges and treason.

-The most fear and obsession of Democrats that causes bankruptcy when the law forces the Democratic Party to pay all costs of the rigged election in 2020, the legal fees, and the damages of the executive orders of the presidential robber Joe Biden are illegal. The costs caused Democrats to announce bankruptcy, and its party should be disbanded after their properties (offices, buildings, and others are liquidated by the federal government). Its reason explains why some Democratic politicians and others want to establish a new party

The fear and obsession conducted the crazy indictments exhausted from criminal law to civil law targeting the patriotic President Donald Trump after his first term expired while the rigged election hadn’t solve yet. The judicial terror of Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Fanis Willis, Letitia James, Tanya Chutkan, and Arthur Engoron went wrong and malfunctioned. The bullshit indictments affected nothing, instead, the 2024 presidential election of Donald Trump enriched, including the free advertising/.



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