The famous speech of Michael Obama, or Michelle Obama to support Sleepy Joe Biden in the presidential election in 2020” They go low, we go high” was overturned after the 2020 presidential robbery on January 20, 2021. The approval rate of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden has gone to the bottom of the polls and continues to drop while the approval rate of Donald Trump skyrocketed. It continues to rise for every witch hunt of the mongrel ape holding the wooden hammer. The outcome reflects” Joe Biden goes low and Donald Trump goes high”.
Donald Trump is a patriotic billionaire, he could enjoy a wealthy life with a wonderful family. Therefore, the patriotic heart urges Donald Trump to sacrifice his wealthy life for the country because the United States is endangered by the communism called Marxist-Leninist renamed globalization to intoxicate the American people, including the young generations. The rotten and toxic minds originate from corruption and treason, so the United States is like the hermit crab. The enemies used traitors and corrupt academics plus the politicians to dominate the world’s wealthiest country. China’s Communist Party invested in bribery, and Beijing acquired high technology, including politics. The presidential robber Joe Biden proved the payment of $US 1.5 billion for Hunter Biden is workable. China succeeded the stratagem of Sun Tzu” Defeat the enemy by capturing their chief”.
The disastrous communists in Russia, the Eastern European states, Vietnam, China, North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, and others caused the deaths of a hundred million people and enslaved a billion people motivated Donald Trump to volunteer to serve the country without the salary. The patriotic heart of Donald Trump convinced the American people, and he won the presidential election in 2016 despite Hillary Clinton applying a rigged election. Therefore the silent Americans voted for Donald Trump, and he achieved the promises to make America great again.
The Arts of the Deal of Donald Trump made no war in his first term including the historic peace success in the Middle East highlighted the job that no US president got. Unfortunately, the six thuggish Justices enclosing the four RINO Justices in the Supreme Court and traitor Mike Pence legalized the rigged election in 2020, and the political parasite, the corrupt professional, the treasonous specialist Joe Biden robbed the White House. The 330 million American people and the future of the United States were destroyed by seven dishonest law school graduates. The culprits sit above the law and continue to afford the taxpayers plus the national privileges.
The American people and the world recognized Joe Biden is not the US president, instead, he is the 46th illegal president, or a mob to rob the White House by the obscurant Constitution of 1871. The great achievements of Donald Trump were accomplished within four years in the United States and made no war. The historic peace in the Middle East proved the Art of the Deal to kill the war while the Art of War written by the great Chinese strategist Sun Tzu created bloodshed and supported the conquerors in the days of yore in China.
The American people and the world have never forgotten Donald Trump who made America great again, the allies trusted him, the enemies feared and the domestic thugs were appalled, except the Nobel Peace Prize Committee forgot the name of the great peacemaker on the planet. Therefore, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Hussein Barrack Obama, the global warmaker and the founder of the Black Supremacy movement in the United States. The SANTA era of Donald Trump deeply installed into the hearts of hundreds of millions of Americans and billions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, the White House robbery on January 20, 2021, was legalized by the six thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court and traitor Mike Pence to overturn the great outcome of Donald Trump. The six treasonous Justices and Mike Pence are the culprits in creating the 46th illegal president Joe Biden ruling the White House. The hell of a communist paradise was imposed into the United States, and the wars occurred in Ukraine, the Middle East with the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The political mob Joe Biden professes that corruption and treason make America worse with the SATAN era. The political mob Joe Biden is the national criminal, the traitor, and the social dreg to rule the United States as the gang leader. Therefore, the Blue Donkey Mafia super gang arrayed the safety net with the liberal Judges, the FBI, and the Department of Justice to protect the political mob and his family members.
The 2024 presidential election is a crucial battle to fight between the mongrel communist party and the American people. The patriotic President Donald Trump is going to expel the mobs from the White House, the Congress, and the Senate. The historic landslide victory in Iowa and New Hampshire to fear the mobs, the sky net, and divine justice is waiting for them/.