The common routine of the dynasties occurred throughout China’s history repeated in the same rule as a political formula, it was not coincident but the impact resulted from the conditions. When a dynasty had a founder, the first emperor totally seized the power and ruled the country for life. The last emperor had faced many problems, actually the corruption, so when the people lost harvest, jobless was a high rate, the society was unstable and the power-challenged. Those caused the last emperor gathered the power in hand and ruled the government by the harsh policy. Therefore, the last emperor couldn’t save the regime and ultimately, the dynasty collapsed.

Nowadays, the Red Emperor Xi Jinping has been fallen into the old lesson of the ancient Chinese. Obviously, Mao Tse Tung became the life chairman and following the leaders limited two terms and now President Xi Jinping has been voted by its dyed black hair Congress, he is the life president. It is the signal of the red dynasty should be eliminated by its people after more than a half-century ruled the mainland.

Xi Jinping’s era has been engaged the domestic power challenge, behind Xi Jinping, there are many comrades are waiting for their turn, so the throne of Xi Jinping builds in the contradiction between himself and the other high profiles in China’s Communist party. The Red Emperor Xi Jinping also faces the international conflicts, actually after White House changed the leadership, President Donald Trump is an economic expert, the successful businessman who made billionaire but he doesn’t care the salary to serve the country with the patriotic heart while Karl Marx’s pupil Xi Jinping who makes the individual profit on the corruption, actually Xi Jinping loves the communist party than Chinese people. President Donald Trump’s record defeated 16 high profiles of Republican in the presidential nomination and ultimately, he transformed Hillary Clinton’s dream to the nightmare. The Red Emperor Xi Jinping doesn’t have the economic expert, he made billion dollars from the communist party’s power and his positive tactic is robbery the assets of the people and the foreigners as Australian James Packer lost $AUD 4.2 billion in Macau’s Casino Resort. On March 21, 2018, after the big loss ever in the life, Mr. James Packer has stepped down, he claims to suffer the mental health illness. The case of James Packer awakens the foreign investors in China, a day when the red emperor and communist party need money, they will be the next victims. The world watches out and stays away from China after James Packer who saw the coffin with tears, China communist regime has no credit and nor honest, instead, its regime is the den of thieves and the most tricky country in the world.

The Red Emperor Xi Jinping is a hungry power leader, the global hegemony plus Han’s traditional invasion excites China involved in the arms race with the US, although China’s economy has been downturned and Beijing faced $USD 23 trillion debt, nevertheless, China’s product has been upset the global consumer. The unemployment rate cause China sacrifices the credit to remain the inhumane regime. The products made by China meet the poisonous and contaminated goods, actually, the short life’s products (electric and household appliances) could keep China solves for a short term’s employment, therefore, China’s products lost the favor in the global market, it causes China’s deficit.

China couldn’t cop the space race with the US, they failed the adventure the moon, the Jade Rabbit died when it just touched down the moon. China has not much invention, mostly, Beijing stole the technology from the” counter-revolution” and the” stolen capitalist’s economic management” that made in China with the label:” free market is led by socialism”, China is the den of the technologic thieves.

Despite the capacity couldn’t suit the ambition, therefore the rapaciousness excites Beijing involves the offshore activities. The One Belt and one Road’s plan exposes the global hegemony China to spend about $USD 8 trillion that burdens China’s economy. However, China has carried out the step by step the ambition:

-Beijing illegally built the artificial islands in the despite waters and militarized, although Philipinnes succeeded the lawsuit at international court while China is brazen, they ignore the international law. ( The sand built islands provided by Vietnam, the close vassal of China)

-China occupied Darwin Port in 99 years, Beijing used the Australian controls the port under China monitors. Former Trade Minister Andrew Rob who sold the national security for his annual salary is $AUD 880,000.

-The Airport at Merredin (Western Australia) sold 1 dollar to China, Beijing took this airport in 1993 and the lease is 100 years. It is the training pilot’s base of China in Australia’s soil

China’s plan to dig Thailand’s Kra Canal length is 135 kilometers linking the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This canal cost $USD from $USD 28 to 35 billion.

-China sent many espionage agents to overseas and Beijing calls Chinese making the Chinese dream.

    China has prepared the Cool War that replace the Cold War after Soviet-Union collapsed. Now, the red emperor is performing the dream of the global leader. However, China conspires but the world decides, nevertheless, the violence couldn’t remain as Boris Yeltsin said:” you can build a throne with bayonets, but it’s difficult to sit on”. Red emperor Xi Jinping couldn’t make China be the number one superpower while he knows behind, many comrades are waiting the turn.

    On March 23, 2018, President Donald Trump has signed the sanction’s order against China, it is the vulnerability of the red dynasty. The sanction will cost the high rate of unemployment in China plus the serious corruption and the global consumer boycott China’s products. All reasons repeat and meet the common collapse formula of Chinese’s dynasties and it will remove the last emperor Xi Jinping, the red dynasty should be collapsed, the China dream of Emperor Xi Jinping will end and the vassals will escape from China’s sovereign as the Soviet-Union collapsed from early 1990’s ./.


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