The rumor spread about the presidential robber Joe Biden who currently absents the White House after illegally inaugurated on January 20, 2021, it is an abnormal phenomenon that occurs at the world’s most important place and also the headquarters of America. Before, it is the first time happened when the White House turned Rainbow House under the rule of the first Muslim and communist US president Barrack Obama and now, the second time, White House turns the Dark House since the presidential robber Joe Biden stormed the White House. America is endangered, the country is controlled by the hidden communist party called Democrats to smash the world’s superpower is on the brink of collapse. The Deep State is the perpetrator of America’s tragedy plus China’s Communist Party just used $US 1.5 billion to reward Hunter Biden who behaved his father Joe Biden to receive the boons.

    Possibly, the thuggish Chief Justice John Roberts and former Vice President Mike Pence are the major enemies of the American people, actually, a million workers lose the jobs plus the livelihood ruined, the victims have never forgotten three thuggish Amigos are John Roberts, Mike Pence, and Joe Biden.

The presidential robber Joe Biden currently fears meeting the people despite he lied about 80,000,000 voters, but why does Joe Biden avoid seeing his supporters? Certainly, Joe Biden can come to a cemetery to meet his silent voters, certainly, the dead people have never complained about their names used in the rigged election. Moreover, the left stream media with the journalists, reporters without the human minds or animal media with the professional fake news, fabricated stories, and the false pollsters lose an opportunity to see Joe Biden at the State of Union address, the press conference while the imbecile, low knowledge level is House Press Secretary Jen Psaki who doesn’t know how to answer the questions, including the decoy question of her left journalists, always deserve the facilities to protect the presidential robber Joe Biden. However, she does the press Secretary as her boss Joe Biden who blamed what am I doing here during visiting Texas after the natural disaster passed 8 days. The serious mental health illness of Joe Biden reflects the 25 Amendment, but Democrats and their medical Dogtors avoid applying for impeachment. So the Constitution of 1871 biases and serves for Democrats. Where are 27 Dogtors of Harvard and Yale University?

Despite the presidential robber Joe Biden avoids the meet the people, but he has done very good jobs to sign more than 50 destructive executive orders that devastated the economy and betrayed the workers plus Union of the Keystone Pipeline. Now, Joe Biden can order the war in Middle-East, the life of US soldiers risk, actually, Joe Biden destroys the peace of the 45th President Donald Trump and warmly welcomes the illegal migrants to bring the China virus to kill the US people, the serious criminals, the drug syndicates, the terrorist and the foreign espionage agents entering into the society.

The presidential robber Joe Biden creates the national peril, but the US Army, Police, FBI, CIA, Intelligence agencies obey the orders of the robber plus his animal cabinet to destroy the country. The world and American people doubt the role of the US Army doesn’t protect the country, instead, the National Guards protect the presidential robber Joe Biden and the Donkey super gang in Congress, Senate, the Supreme Court with the high fence plus razor wire, and the checkpoints. The rotten Constitution of 1871 grants the license to rob for the politicians, the judges, and Justices, its Constitution transforms the US Army to robots while the presidential robber Joe Biden, Democratic Congress, Senate, and the Supreme Court have applied the bush law. Do not treat nicely to the gang, enemies because the dishonest components have never respected everyone including the law, Constitution.

The situation of Joe Biden raises the question about the virtual Joe Biden, where does he live? Who ordered Joe Biden to sign the executive orders? The mystery has revealed by Jen Psaki on March 3, 2021, accidentally, she confirms the presidential robber Joe Biden lives in Wilmington, possibly, he should stay in the basement as he did in the election campaign and after robbed of the election outcome. It means for two months, Joe Biden has not lived in the White House as the sitting president. What does he do? The imbecile White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said:” Well, the president lives in Wilmington. It’s his home. That’s where he’s lived for many, many years”…and now, Joe Biden still lives in his home despite Joe Biden occupied the White House. How is it about the Air Force One? The only travel of the sitting president is the Air Force One and Marine One Helicopter. Therefore, Jen Psaki unveiled:” And as you know, as any president of the United States of America does, he takes a private airplane called Air Force One to travel here. That is of course a unique-unique from most Americans. But I think most Americans would also see that as a unique circumstance? However, Joe Biden traveled two weekends to his home, but the people don’t know where does he stay? Even he couldn’t recognize a place did he sleep last night. The imbecile House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told the truth about her mental boss Joe Biden, the people believe Joe Biden has not lived in the White House for two months, he should fear the militias, 75,000,000 people, so the victims can attack the White House anytime, actually when the night falls, the power often cuts, the White House turns the Dark House, the future of America turns dark after Joe Biden robbed the White House./.
