On X wrote” Bombshell ABC News report states that the Biden Administration has already begun plans for a possible presidential transition, even though the election is over 6 months away” Although the 2024 presidential election is 6 months away, therefore, Biden’s administration prepares to transition the government. It is abnormal but easily understood. The people believe the 46th illegal president Joe Biden started to clean up the massive mess in the White House as the pre-emption before the patriotic President Donald Trump returned to the White House. The illegal president Joe Biden recruited an illegal cabinet, and administration based on politics, and the political wing. After storing the White House on January 20, 2024, the massive mess must be solved before January 20, 2025. When a gang occupies a building, the gang leader, and its members freely take anything, including the money. Therefore, a gang must find a way to escape the police, and the court to reduce the crimes. Likely the 46th presidential robber Joe Biden, and the Blue Donkey Super Gang trying to clean up all the mess as soon as possible.
The all sly-dirty witch hunts failed to stop Donald Trump with the 91 fictional criminal charges, and a thousand years in prison. The daydreamers in the White House, or Cocaine House, the hub of the Bush Law in New Thug State, can not prevent Donald Trump in the presidential election in 2024. Moreover, the worst polls, and the horrible record made after more than three years which is enough for Donald Trump to claim the historic victory on November 20, 2024.
The Democratic Party, the Global Deep State, and foreign enemies know that doomsday is coming. Therefore, it is too late for the fixture, and the hopeful candidates such as Michelle Obama, Gavin Newscum, and others don’t want to replace Joe Biden, including Kamala Harris because they recognize the potential loss of the presidential election in 2024 that is inevitable. Nobody wants to board the sinking boat, and the Democratic candidates have no stupidity to replace Joe Biden, and in the next presidential election, they will not do it again. The massive mess of Biden’s regime spread to all departments, the cabinet, administration, and the Pentagon. Those are the big problems, so Biden needs to clean up early when the time has not much left, and Donald Trump is underway to return. The main issues such as the loss of Afghanistan leaving the valuable arsenal for the Taliban estimated at $US 85 billion. The invasion of Ukraine conducted military aid (the embezzlement wasn’t ruled out when the Pentagon reported the aid made a mistake with $US 6.2 billion). The budget used for the illegal migrants, the war in Israel-Gaza, the pandemic Covid-19 with the vaccination, the ceiling debt of $US 34 trillion, the money spent for Hunter Biden, Jill Biden, and the lavish spending for Joe Biden used for the trips from the White House to Wilmington (Delaware). Besides the finance, the national security, and the classifieds are the hard stuff to remove. Moreover, James Biden (brother of Joe Biden) does business with the terror organizations in Qatar. Nevertheless, the Secret Service agents wouldn’t delete and conceal the names of Biden’s guests who visited the White House, and his private mansion in Wilmington. The massive mess of the illegal president Joe Biden, and his administration wouldn’t remove all the problems, and the whistleblowers are the key witnesses to unmask the secrets covered behind the White House. Nevertheless, witness immunity encourages the former members of the administration of Joe Biden to tell the truth after the transition.
The time to fear, and obsess is coming up that rushes Biden to prepare the White House’s transition early before six months of the 2024 presidential election. The cluster of traitors, and accomplices such as Hussein Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, Nancy Pelosi, Jack Smith, and others are worrying after the terrorists with the wooden hammers failed to stop Donald Trump, and now the time to panic. The public and the concerned politicians watch out for the process of the early clean-up in the White House. The corruption, treason, and embezzlement are not easy to avoid because the regime of Joe Biden destroyed the United States to the grassroots, and Biden became the hub of abhorrence, although Donald Trump could forgive them, therefore the crimes of corruption, and treason were treated fairly as the law” no one sits above the law, and no one exempts the punishment”. The incident of the transition’s preparation can not be concealed, and whoever was involved in the Biden administration, including the cabinet members must prepare the way to escape. Therefore the term” sow the wind, then reap the whirlwind” reflects the rule of cause and effect while the justice and people deploy the sky net and the divine justice to catch the national criminals/.


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