All products made in China meet poor quality, poison, contamination, and short life. Despite China’s Communist Party stealing the technology, and invention from the counter-revolutionary countries such as the United States, and Europe. Therefore, the arms race, space race, and productivity competition are traced behind the West. The failure of communism, socialism, and Maoism proved when the products made in the hell of a communist paradise in the Soviet Union, the Eastern European Communist Bloc in the Cold War couldn’t compare with the Western.
The Western made the critical mistake of mandating China carry out the chain of supply. The cheap labor and the world’s largest population interested the investors. After the historic visit of U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1972, China’s Communist Party succeeded in the deception of an economy called” free market is led by socialism”. The innocent leaders and the naïve businesses fell into the trap of China’s Communist Party. Trade with China is like doing business with the gang. In December 2019, China launched the first biological weapon on the planet to attack the world. The people woke up when China controlled the chain of supply from medicine to toilet paper. However, the left-wing parties in Western countries launched the climate change hoax that helped China make a profit from selling solar power, and electric cars. The greatest cheat on the planet damaged jobs, the economy, and society. Particularly, electric cars cause immeasurable consequences when the electricity can not respond to the situation, the time to recharge takes longer, and the long distance is the problem.
     The climate change hoax is supported by unprofessional components such as the politicians of the left-wing parties, students, Pope Francis, 150 religious leaders in Australia, and others while 31,000 scientists confirmed that the climate change is a hoax. The scientists reported the earth has no climate crisis, the ice in Antarctica increased thicker since 1979, Al Gore lied, his wrong prediction wiped out the trust, and Australian climate change activist, Dogtor Tim Flannery deceived the government about the drought in Eastern states that cost tens of billions of Australia dollars to build the desalted plants. The bushfires were doubted as in California caused the poor forest management, and the arson probed. According to the report of 1776 {R} released: BREAKING:” Joe Biden accidentally confirms direct energy weapons are the cause of wildfires by saying you should have the right roof.
Biden admits the conspiracy theory that “Directed Energy Weapons” caused the Maui and Texas fires. These weapons can damage their targets with highly focused energy, like lasers, but the color blue remains unaffected.
The Texas Panhandle wildfire has grown to more than one million acres, becoming the largest blaze on record in state history.
Fast-moving wildfire in Texas grows to nearly 800 square miles, second-largest in state’s history.
Evacuations are underway at the Nuclear Weapons Facility in Carson County, Texas, as fast-moving wildfires approach, prompting a complete cessation of all operations.
Gov. Abbott issues disaster declaration for wildfires across Texas.
Wildfires are Climate Change False Flags to displace farmers and ranchers.
They are being done using two methods
1) Arsonists, like what happened in Canada.
2) Direct Energy Weapons, like what happened in Hawaii.”
    The psychological climate’s intimidation currently propagates on the global left-wing media, and it is also deceitful advertising. The climate change activists, the left-wing parties, and the businesses slam among the culprits of dioxide emissions are the petrol cars, and electric cars highlighted as the best solution. However, the biggest worry of electric car owners is the batteries because the cost of replacement is expensive. Commonly, it costs $20,000. The batteries made in China have a short life. The batteries raise grave concerns about pollution, therefore the government and climate change activists concealed them. Therefore, the era of high technological communication debunked the negative aspects of electric cars. Nio, China’s electric car manufacturer, headquarters in Shanghai worries about the batteries, Mr.William Li, CEO and founder of NIO warned” One of the most important problems that has fundamentally not been solved nor attracted widespread attention is battery life.”
Commonly, the battery warranty is 8 years, so second-hand electric cars become a problem for dealers. Nevertheless, China faces 20,000,000 electric cars with battery expires from 2025 to 2032. Certainly, China sold a lot of electric cars before, and the owners fear the cost of replacement. Currently, EV battery warranties typically cover eight years. Nio highlighted that by 2025 to 2032, approximately 20 million EV battery warranties in China will expire, underscoring the challenge of battery longevity compared to the lifespan of cars and the high costs associated with battery replacement. Its reason explains why people are not interested in electric cars. Second-hand electric cars would threaten the family’s budget because of the cost of battery replacement while the owners of petrol cars do not worry, and the cost of services is not much.
The left-wing governments in America, Australia, Europe, Canada, and somewhere else exploit the so-called climate change to use the taxpayers advertising for the private electric car manufacturers. Therefore, the reality couldn’t convince the majority of the population to buy electric cars, the price is expensive, and the battery replacement obsesses the customers. The electric car boomed and deflated despite the left-wing party, and the global left-wing media’s propaganda of using electric cars for pollution and to protect the earth. The big electric car manufacturers such as Toyota in Japan caused the CEO to resign after losing $US 4 billion, Nio in China lost a billion US dollars, and Ford in the United States made a critical mistake. Ford suffered big losses when their electric cars couldn’t sell much. In the first three months of 2024, Ford lost $US 1.3 billion, last year it lost $US 4.7 billion, and will lose $US 5 billion in 2024. The world’s richest man Elon Musk lost $US 1.13 billion in the first quarter of 2024, and Tesla’s profits fell 55%. Certainly, many electric car manufacturers suffered losses, despite the massive advertising launched.
Electric cars have not interested the people, although the left-wing governments, the left-wing parties, and the global left-wing media advertise, and propagate them based on the climate change hoax to intimidate the people/.

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