Democrats have begun the paranoia symptom since the presidential election 2016. The radical cause comes from a hopeful candidate Hillary Clinton who put all the effort into the presidency, her wonderful aspiration to be a first female president of the US was totally collapsed, so Hillary plans but US people vote. A lot of money pumped into the campaign and facilities of Obama’s government plus all conspiracies fought for the last chance, unfortunately, their dream turned into a nightmare after November 8, 2016. This is the first time in the US history, the 2016 US election turned nasty when 2 candidates fiercely fought for the victory in a crucial race. The mess of Democrats being rotten inside its party with the rigged nomination and forcing Senator Bernie Sanders to be defeated by Hillary Clinton and the unfair treatment continued in the National Democrats Conference (NDC) in Philadelphia. Once again, candidate Bernie Sanders was kicked out by the cheating of Hillary. Then he turned his endorsement to the foe which upset his supporters in the Democrats. How could Bernie Sanders act like a robot?
The main campaign launched between two candidates, but the Democrats applied the dirty campaign to candidate Donald Trump, a successful businessman. However his political involvement is unlike anyone, indeed he has got everything in his life: Money, Power and Fame, but why does Donald Trump choose the hard way? Nevertheless, he sacrifices the wonderful life with family and also denies the presidential wage, it’s a second to none case in White House history. The motive is the patriotic heart as the President Ronald Reagan’s legacy, Donald Trump wants to serve his country, his motto “make America great again” becomes the national title, and he also restores the patriotic spirit that was declined under 8 years ruling by former President Barrack Obama who made the America in a mess ever.
The dirty campaign didn’t affect people vote, the phony propaganda was wiped out, some crazy Democrats made statue of Donald Trump with no balls and the pop singers, the Hollywood stars think they are the smartest people, they raised the campaign against Donald Trump as George Clooney, Robert De Niro, Cher, Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, Vietnamese Entertainer MC Nguyễn Cao Kỳ Duyên (daughter of General Nguyễn Cao Kỳ)…all vowed to leave the US if Donald Trump elected. However, after Donald Trump won, they did not leave America, they are shameless by their broken promise. There was only Oprah Winfrey who declared to leave the US, she intended to live in Canada. On March 1st, 2017, suddenly Oprah Winfrey appeared on the media, she wants to run the US presidential race 2020, and it is the reason to protect the broken promise as her Hollywood’s leftist colleagues. The campaign of Democrats turned to be an intimidation when the left media released the news: if Donald Trump elected, 30% of the federal public servant will give up the job, but after Donald Trump inaugurated, how many public servants keep their promise?
In the election, the Democrats excited their supporters to protest, even though raised the violence against candidate Donald Trump. The rumor about trouble makers paid by a leftist billionaire George Soros must be noted. The smear campaign went to defame, they set up the women attacked Donald Trump and released the tape that is just a talking in private place. This is the Woman Shield tactics like Barack Obama successfully used the Racial Shield tactics in presidential elections twice in 2008 and 2012, so its tactics affected the Republican candidates in the debates, they would be accused as the racist if telling the truth about Obama. In Vietnam War, Vietcong used the Human Shield tactics and nowadays the terrorist uses this tactics fighting against the western countries.
The losers created troubles around the country, the protests against the elected president continue from the election outcome to the inaugural day. They created the stories as Russia involved in the election. The fake news was made up from story to story, therefore after the White House discovered, the fake news disappeared.
The losers such as Hillary, Obama, Democrats and the left media, all are hopeless, they couldn’t overturn the presidency, even though the jitney propaganda about the impeachment of President Donald Trump. They also use the facts based on the fortune tellers and some academics lie and cheat the public, but they couldn’t exploit the university degree to convince everyone, instead the bias academics destroy their reputation.

While US President fights against the enemies, protects the country, brings the job back, restores the economy and tries to retrieve the US honor that lost under former President Barack Obama’s era. However, the left media attack and raise the smear campaign with fake news. The left media harms the mainstream, they are the domestic thugs and could be the treasons. Now, everyone can recognize the ugly face of the left media, they have been losing people’s trust, the numerous readers and audiences being plunged down by the fake news and making up stories killed the media.

The paranoia causes the Democrats to become the sleepwalker, despite all the conspiracies failed badly but they still dream of an impeachment of President Donald Trump. Therefore in the history, the impeachment was rare, in the passage of time, President Richard Nixon resigned after the Watergate scandal and President Bill Clinton escaped the impeachment in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
The dream is carried out by James Comey, FBI director as the last hope of Democrats, he can create the fake story about the Russia meddled the election and opening the investigation without a clue, James Comey could use the fake investigation for buying time, waiving the Hillary, Huma Abedin’s emails, the Clinton Foundation and the other corruptions. The James Comey’s mission is impossible, they know it will never succeed, however, it could obstruct the President for a while and covering up the corruption of Democrats high profiles.
Mr. James Comey was fired by President Donald Trump, the last punter has gone, and they have to wait for 4 more years or even 8 years, the paranoia symptom is not over yet.
During the 9 days overseas trip to the Middle East and Europe, he signed hundred billion dollars arms deal with Saudi Arabia, but at home, the Democrats try to impeach President. The Russia involvement in US election is the rotten float, on May 14, 2016, at Capitol Hill, the National Security of Senate Committee testified the witnesses, a noisy bloke John Mc Cain accused without showing an evidence, nevertheless, a former CIA director John Brennan who was in charge the offshore security during the US presidential election, but he couldn’t conclude the facts. John Brennan said: “I don’t have sufficient information to make a determination about whether or not such cooperation or complicity or collusion was taking place” and he confirms: “ But I know there was a basis to have individual pull those threads”. After the testification failed with the key witnesses, Democrats aim to Jared Kushner, son in law of President Donald Trump, but they waste the time and losing people’s trust.

The Democrats promised to impeach President Donald Trump, it is impossible, the role of former FBI Director James Comey is overshadowed after former director CIA John Brennan failed to show a clue. The US people are waiting for the conclusion after May 29, 2017, what will Democrats do for the impeachment of President Donald Trump?
Once again, the Democrats turn the failure to disaster, they need to see a psychiatrist or standing alongside with Kim Jong Un who is a terminated patient of the paranoia illness.