Despite the Soviet Union’s gone more than 2 decades ago, the red empire built on the bloodshed and spread intercontinental, however the toxic of Karl Marx’s deadly theory still remains in Russia. President Vladimir Putin, a former high profile of KGB, an essential element of communist’s brain has not removed the dictatorial government’s character. The Soviet Union shattered into the pieces, therefore Putin has never given up the ambition as the communist policy. Nowadays, the Russian people just gain a part of democracy, the opposition parties could not confront with the dictatorial regime, a lizard changes its skin color, Putin’s regime acts like KGB with murder, jail the opponent, singer including the journalist. On the other hand, the Russian government reflects the new communist face.

The Soviet Union wakes up after the red empire collapsed in early 1990’s, recently Russia invaded Crimea and also challenges the NATO, but under the President Barack Obama, a mouthful leader but less action, the US had not responded strong enough, while Vladimir Putin snubs the world. The Malaysian airplane MH 17 was shot down by the Russian missile, but Kremlin tries to escape the crime, even though the world knew who the culprit was.

The Syria within war raises the humanity concern, the Assad’s regime has used the armed force freely to kill people, there are more than half million people died, multiple millions to be displaced. Moreover, under the Obama’s era, the Bashar Assad’s regime used the chemical weapon killed the innocent civilians, therefore the US Secretary of State John Kerry, a famous face of the fake peace lover in the Vietnam War, he had not eliminated the manner, so John Kerry just pretended to condemn Syria, he bought the time for Assad by the removal the chemical weapon, indeed it is just a drama because John Kerry and later Hillary Clinton are friends with Iran, a close ally of Bashar Assad, therefore Syria’s regime also backed by Russia, the evil allies unofficially formed. Who were involved with Russia? Not Donald Trump, but the Democrats and some disgraced Republican as Senator John Mc Cain, all created the fake stories of Russia meddled the US presidential election 2016. The worse drama Russia continued until president Donald Trump ordered launching 59 Tomahawk missiles to the Syrian military bases. Now the US people could recognize the real face of the traitors in the congress of the Democrats and also Republican.

The Syrian domestic war couldn’t solve, the bloodshed continues because behind the cruel regime of Assad, the great master Russia backs, provides the weapons, including the chemical and also financial support. Moreover, Iran is the close companion of the Assad and Lebanon, the terrorist Hezbollah. Nevertheless, Russia strongly endorses the Syrian regime in the UN, so from the within war started 6 years ago,  Russia and its former communist comrade China vetoed the resolutions of the UN security council, including the sanction.

The massacre in Syria could solve radically if Russia stops support Bashar Assad’s regime. The missile attack Syria that responds the Syrian regime just used the deadly chemical weapon killed 85 citizens of their own, and affected multiple dozens.

The world supports the US retaliates Syria, UK foreign minister Boris Johnson suspends his visit Russia, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull totally backs President Donald Trump…but Russian’s lied, their delegate in the UN raises the old voice accusing the US breaking the international law, but how could Syria kill the civilians with the chemical weapon, does the banned weapon have using permit?

The role of Russia in the Syria’s war within is very important, if Putin suspends the support, the Assad’s regime will go and the Syrian will not flee for safe, the asylum seeker to be solved, the Middle East will be stable after the ISIS gone.

However, Russia could stop support the Bashar Assad’s regime when the national interest harms, so the Europe, the US continue to sanction Russia. Therefore the most important matter is the oil, the main profit of Putin. If the oil declines the price, Russia will be engaged the fiscal problem. Despite the US just attack the close ally of Russia, but this week, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is going to visit and talk with the Russian leader. Therefore, the US has the most important oil providers in the Middle East, so Washington could deal with them and the allies will pump more oil then sell with the low price, the US could pay back by the other profit. When Russia loses the profit, the economy being faced the trouble, Moscow has to abandon Syria and the Bashar Assad’s regime must go. The Russia is the key to the survival of Assad’s regime, like China is the master of North Korea.